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From Bad Grades to a Great Life!
I thought it could never happen but now he's doing his homework! I've been trying for 3 years! – Shelly
I have gained insight on how to manage homework at home. This has been a very challenging issue for my 7 year old so I need this information to keep him positive about school – Rosey
My daughter, who is currently in 6th grade, has struggled in school since kindergarten. Homework is torture, her grades are awful, and her attitude toward learning stinks! I have tried everything I can find or can think of to help her, but nothing has worked or given me hope that things will ever change. That is until I found this book! Dr. Charles Fay has written a masterpiece that I wish I had gotten my hands on sooner!! I'm only on the 2nd chapter, but I have obtained so much helpful information already that I can't wait to see what else is in store!! What a relief to finally be able to help my daughter!! A must read for every parent!! Highly recommend!! – Tonya.
Who will benefit from this book:
- Parents wanting to know what to do about bad grades
- Parents struggling getting their kids to do homework
- Parents who have tried everything to help their kids in school with no success
- Parents looking to build a foundation of lasting academic and occupational achievement
Parents will find solutions on how to handle bad grades as well as effective strategies for:
- Avoiding unwinnable power struggles over homework and grades
- Showing children that the key to happiness involves determination and hard work… rather than luck or handouts
- Guiding kids towards their natural strengths