Group of Students with Teacher

Proven, Low-Stress Solutions for Highly Successful Educators

We have revolutionized thousands of learning environments around the world with our relationship-based approach to effective teaching, both in and out of the classroom.

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For Parents and Teachers Alike

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A Balanced, Heartfelt Approach

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Over 47 Years of Success

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Are you frustrated by:

  • Minimal instruction time?
  • Missing or late assignments?
  • Lack of respect?
  • Feeling burned out?

Spend More Time Teaching and 
Less Time Disciplining!

Set firm limits

Avoid unwinnable power struggles

Enjoy your students!

Four research-based principles:

Mutual Dignity

Mutual dignity

Teacher on Shared Thinking in Class

Shared thinking

Teacher on Controlling Bad Habits

Shared control 
within limits

Educator Teaching Empathy

Empathy before consequences

Mutual Dignity

Mutual dignity

Teacher on Shared Thinking in Class

Shared thinking

Teacher on Controlling Bad Habits

Shared control 
within limits

Educator Teaching Empathy

Empathy before consequences

Get started today with all these options:

Audios to listen to on the go

Audios to listen to

Ebooks you can read immediately

Ebooks you can read immediately

online courses that fit your schedule

Online courses that fit your schedule

Audios to listen to on the go

Audios to listen to

Ebooks you can read immediately

Ebooks you can read immediately

online courses that fit your schedule

Online courses that fit your schedule

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Teachers Around the World

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If you like to laugh while learning effective skills you can use the very same day, a Love and Logic webinar is just what the doctor ordered!

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