Teaching With Love and Logic Info 2

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Teaching with Love and Logic®

Start creating cooperative, high achieving classrooms

Do you leave your classroom exhausted and out of energy?
Are you struggling with difficult students... and parents?
Discover the easy-to-use techniques teachers are raving about to handle defiance, underachieving and more!

I haven't read the first edition but I participated in a workshop during my student teaching. I'm not a naturally assertive person and I need concrete steps for how to approach problems in the classroom before I can be flexible. I found that this book meets my needs and I will be referring to it all year. I also appreciate the stories that bring Love and Logic to life and I told my colleague (also a new teacher about it). If you can read even just the first chapter you will find help and encouragement. – Heidi

Dr. Charlie and Jim took an outstanding title and brought it back to immediate relevance for anyone working with kids in today's classrooms & schools. Love and Logic's powerful, rich, and realistic approach bring even more light and hope to this veteran L&L teacher's life. My students will say thank you...both now and in 20 years!!! – Andy

I applied some of the techniques to a student who experiences meltdowns constantly. It really worked! – Tabatha W.


Who will benefit from this book:


  • First year teachers to the seasoned veteran
  • Educators struggling to get cooperation from students
  • Schools wanting less disruptive kids and happier teachers and parents

Educators will learn effective strategies for:

  • Gaining cooperation from strong-willed, defiant students
  • Taking great care of yourself
  • Reducing classroom drama
  • Succeeding with difficult parents
  • And more!

Start creating cooperative, high achieving classrooms